27 Sept 2021, 22:50

To whom this may concern,


I am a nineteen year old residing in Saskatchewan, Canada. I work for our school board and plan to go onto teaching in the coming years as Covid-19 affected my university plans!

I play games as a hobby and always find modded Minecraft to be soothing and just actively trying to find an active server! Since, I really don't have any friends unfortunately its hard to find a modded server that is simply has players that want to participate and talk. I noticed the Ocean Block server seems to have a decent count during the day so I'm super interested. I found you guys simply online just searching FTB servers. I've never been banned from any servers, I used to be a frequent player of SprocketGames ATM6 until my work got super busy!

I don't lie about my age cause I really don't have to. Turning 20 this November and maturity is something that has come to me early. I would greatly love to add to the community and get back into modded minecraft after my ATM6 playthrough.

In my spare time I love to work on my car. I currently own a Nissan Japanese Domestic Vehicle and blow tons of money on it when I got some extra savings laying around. Well thats pretty much it!

Hopefully all is well!
