You never played on ATM5 you joined us through Kreation, which had its special whitelist, so that's why you aren't whitelisted now. But I see you were very active then and I do recall your name, so I just added you to our main whitelist which counts for all current and future servers, see you in game!
Age: 22
I played on your ATM 5 server so I don't really remember how I found your server.
Had to leave multiplayer games for a while because I could get decent internet at my current location but now I'm back and ready too play.
I don't know if anyone remembers but I built the floating castle/fort thing near spawn on the ATM 5 server.
Looking forwards to hopping back into the community. -
If you played on our servers previously you will still be whitelisted, what is your old username?
@phit don't think I ever used my old username on this server but it's SHADOWHAWK14269
You never played on ATM5 you joined us through Kreation, which had its special whitelist, so that's why you aren't whitelisted now. But I see you were very active then and I do recall your name, so I just added you to our main whitelist which counts for all current and future servers, see you in game!