@Graphika Thank you very much
have a nice day
How is your day going?
my username is starvak, I am 19 years old.
I am from Canada.
I am a student and I study in Chemical Processes. If you don’t know what this is, it’s like Immersive Engineering but more complex.
I heard about Stonebound from my friend Nenenzinho (or SingingPhantom) who applied in 2018. I am really interested by your community because I have always wanted to play on a stable server with a great quality and community. I started modded with Antimatter Chemistry, that was fun but when I discovered the modpack Create Above and Beyond, I couldn’t stop playing. I love how I must use my imagination to optimize my build as much as possible so that it is worth it in the long term.
I was banned from a server named Epicube because I sent an inappropriate link in the chat. I realize now that it was very immature of me. I applied back in 2018 around the same time that SingingPhantom applied but got refused due to my history. I have not been banned from another server as far as I know and I don’t think I lied about my age.
I hope that I can join your community, as I am really looking forward to playing with everyone and having a safe and stable server.
Thank you.
Thank you for your interest in our community!
I appreciate you coming back and reapplying, we understand that everyone does dumb stuff and regrets it later.
In the spirit of that, we have added you to the whitelist.Hope you enjoy playing on our servers.
@Graphika Thank you very much
have a nice day