Hi there (again)
My in-game name is Shazh, and I am from Spain and I am 24, (it's my birthday on Monday :P)! I used to play on the server back at 2017/18, I think it was around v1.12... old times. I have been playing modded Minecraft since v1.4 (back when IC2 and BC did not have compatible energy units) but the last time I played was on this server. A few days ago I was watching Youtube when a wild DW20's video appeared and I saw that there are many new things and I want to try them!
I also talked about the pack and the server with a friend of mine and he is also planning to join the server and learn, as he never played modded Minecraft
Looking forward to play again
What is your old username? You do not need to reapply if you already played here, our whitelist has been the same since 2015
@phit My username still the same -> Shazh
I found the server again through Discord -> GameOnTheRocks, I am still part of it -
that's not us, I believe that's Mohrons server?
@phit Yes! That's it! I recall talking to him
Yeah, but that's not us you never played here before
Anyway, whitelisted you now, welcome to our server and have fun playing!