11 Jul 2022, 14:24

Hi all, so my name is FullMetalMonkey (Ollie irl), I'm 33 from West Sussex / London.

Recently got back into Minecraft. Ive been playing since alpha, before there was a survival mode. I used to run a private server for myself and clanmates, if I remember correctly we was using the old school Tekkit mod.

Been a subscriber to Direwolf20 for years and always given his mod packs a go and im looking to play some multiplayer instead of slogging it out solo in SP.

I tend to go for the technical/mechanical mods first and foremost. I think I have a pipe fetish.

Outside of Minecraft, im an organiser for London Wargaming Guild, we're a hobby group focused tabletop war-games such as Warhammer 40,000. Age of Sigmar, Kill Team, Warcry etc etc.

If there's anything else you need to know im happy to share.

EDIT: I forgot to mention how I found the server. I was looking on the FTB Server listings and came across the server. I prefer whitelisted servers as there's generally less 'dicker' in game.

Also ive never been banned or lied about my age (not needed to as I was over 18 when Minecraft came out)