hope your having a good day (or night when your reading this)
My username is Spoopis
I am 16 and I currently live in the US
I found stone bound from a few of my buddies Singing Phantom and Benouu and I'm interested in joining them because they would recommend I join for a while now and they would show the server to see how I liked it.
One of the main reasons why Stone Bound interested me so much was because I was told it was on the harder end of modpacks and it reminded me of Ftb Blood and bones, and Rl craft so I wanted to take a dive into something like this again, the last modpack I played was Rebirth Of The Night with the same friends but we ended playing it due to other games.I have been banned on Mineplex a few years back due to cheats but I don't really play to much Minecraft on pvp dedicated servers.
I like playing Music and Drawing but i don't do it as regularly as i used to anymore.
Spoofle - 06/08/2023 1:32 AM
Heyo again, sorry for the wait.. have fun playing Regrowth with your friends on our server! Just whitelisted you.
phit - 06/08/2023 8:39 PM