Hi! I'm Sweet Dutsi, Sweet for short. I'm 38 and in the USA. I found this server through Magmarashi because I like to badger him to play games with me. Never had any bans or lied about my age (unless you count hitting those "I agree I am old enough" buttons on websites when I was 14 and wanted to read spicy fanfiction). I love base building and farming in games, and animals. I would probably have 10 cats irl if Mags didn't firmly reign in my "it's cute I want it" impulses (although I do win sometimes, we have 4).
Oops my Microsoft name is Sweet_Dutsi
Heyo, glad to hear that spicy fanfic was alive and well in the year 2000
Enjoy playing on our servers and I'll see you in game. I also demand cat pics in Discord!