22 Jul 2016, 07:02


My name is Cal Wright. I am 20 years old and enjoy playing various mod packs on minecraft and have been playing on a Skyfactory 2.5 server lately. Recently there have been some general complications with the server that my friend, Tacos4Brekky2, and I have been playing on. As such, we have been thinking about migrating to a more traditional modpack as opposed to a skyblock one this time. My friend has been looking into a new server that we could both play on and this one looked like a good fit for our play style.

We're friendly players who want to fit in with a more mature community that isn't filled with loud and hostile people. Mindcrack will be a new modpack for us both so we'll be spending a lot of time setting up a home and playing with the new mods added in. We feel as though this is a good server to invest a lot of time into given the chance. Hopefully you'll find us both to be a good fit for the server, we are very excited to play with you guys.

Thank you,
