Go ahead and hop on teamspeak please.
Name: Andrew
IGN: arobinson410My name is Andrew and I am 18 years old. I have been playing Minecraft for six years now and love the modded community. Minecraft is an amazing game and mods make it even better. However, it isn't very fun if you have to play alone. I love building infrastructure with my friends, making new ones, and just generally talking to people about Minecraft.
I'm from Charlotte, NC and found this server through my friends, Ryan (ryanzs). I am TeamSpeak, Skype, Discord, and Mumble friendly.
I am looking forward to playing on the server and hope you accept my application.
Thank you for your interest in our server Andrew.
We found a fairly recent ban in your name on another FTB Server. I was wondering if you could explain the circumstances around this ban.
Thank you,
@All_Under_Heaven What server are you referring to? The last server I played on was SadcoFTB and we stopped playing because they changed mod packs. Could you share the source of this information with me?
@All_Under_Heaven I don't recall being banned from KingdomCity. I even played with Ryan on that server too. I would love to see the source of this information and can also communicate through TS in order to communicate more efficiently.
@All_Under_Heaven That post is almost a year old. I came about because of a miscommunication regarding server rules. The conflict was resolved and I was allowed back on the server. If you would like to talk more regarding this ban, I can hop in TS.
Go ahead and hop on teamspeak please.
Went ahead and whitelisted after discussing on teamspeak.
Welcome to the server Andrew, we have some resources that you may find useful, like the server map:
And our Slack channel, which you can use to communicate with the server outside of the game:
I hope you enjoy playing with us, and welcome to Stonebound.