2 Aug 2016, 23:46

Why of course, I would like to develop my knowledge of modded minecraft to a point of being knowledgeable in almost every mod in the pack. As of right now I am really only acquainted Ender IO MFR AE 2 Thaumcraft and Reliquary but to be able to expand my own knowledge, and hopefully other would be a great opportunity. I would love to be able to help players and staff where ever I can to help the server be the best it can be and I also hope to become a valued member of the community through continuous generosity and Advice to other players. I have tried a few other crackpack servers but none have had the sense of community I was looking for. If I am lucky enough to be accepted into the server I would love to begin long term projects that can increase my understanding as well as help people get into other mods.