Hey there!
My name is Manuel, ign is Woogieboogie.
I'm 30 years old and like to join youre community! i'm playing minecraft since it came out, and modded like 3 years ago.
Looking forward to play on youre newest server tonight ftb infinity 1.10.2Edit:
Little bit more about myself hehe.
Im more a builder then a techie, i love to make a pretty looking base, instead of a bunker or a hole in the ground. I personaly think im a great builder, so my progression in techs and other stuff is usually not going as fast as others! I need to make it look amazing or i will be frustrated hehe.Also if someone on here wants to team up, im all up for that aswell =] preferably 18+ and with TS or anything like that. Cause i dont like to type rather then speaking wich makes it easy'r to play the game for me.
Greetings Manuel
They don't let me do anything around here as I will most likely mess it up. So I can't white-list you. But I did want to tell you what a cool username - Woogieboogie! Hope to see you on the server
Hehe thanks! It's okey, ill just wait for someone that can whitelist me
im in no hurry, got work aswell so ill be able to play later this evening, if you guys permit me :D.
Hope to see you soon ingame
Hey Manuel, thank your for your interest in our server!
Everyone likes good builders I'm sure you will find someone to group up with if you just ask in chat after server launch every so often. Otherwise I think you will fit in great, so I just went ahead and whitelisted you.
Welcome to Stonebound!
I'll see you on the server