I found this server at: https://forum.feed-the-beast.com/servers/categories/ftb-infinity-lite.57/
sorry for doing there sepretly, i cant really express my self in english as good as i should
Hey, im William. Im from Hungary
Age 18
Country: Hungary
Gender: Male
Minecraft Username: swarced
About me: Despretly trying to find a modpack and community to spend time with, in the last few weeks without any success. I can speak english on a basic level, and gladly hopping on ts3 or discord if thats possible. -
Im pretty active too, and mature most of the time. A played a lt modpacks but with 1.10 i have to learn some new mods.
I found this server at: https://forum.feed-the-beast.com/servers/categories/ftb-infinity-lite.57/
sorry for doing there sepretly, i cant really express my self in english as good as i should -
Hey William,
English isn't my native language either, so I know the struggle of expressing yourself with a limited vocabulary.
All I can tell you is to keep practicing so don't be shy joining us on Teamspeak
I went ahead and whitelisted you, welcome to Stonebound!