Hello, my name is xxcoolbreezexx and I am 17, I have been playing Minecraft since 2012. I found out about modded Minecraft from watching direwolf20 videos and having been playing off and on ever since, but I've never been able to play with other people so I was hoping to do that here. I heard about Stonebound from my friends Gathor and EvanTheMonkeh who are on here. I really enjoy Minecraft and I want to just have a good time with some friends and play a cool game :).
Hello, my name is xxcoolbreezexx and I am 17, I have been playing Minecraft since 2012. I found out about modded Minecraft from watching direwolf20 videos and having been playing off and on ever since, but I've never been able to play with other people so I was hoping to do that here. I heard about Stonebound from my friends Gathor and EvanTheMonkeh who are on here. I really enjoy Minecraft and I want to just have a good time with some friends and play a cool game :).
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