I'm a 20 year old guy who was looking to join your server. When I was younger, I used to play MC constantly, but recently got back into playing it and have noticed a lot of old mods are still being updated which is pretty cool. I understand this community is pretty gated to maintain server quality, and that you are trying to filter out potential applicants that will bring down that quality, so I will tell you a bit about myself.
I can be impish, but not in the sense that I do things at other people's expense such as griefing. Sometimes you may find me building random stuff for people I know to discover with stuff, (that may not be safe... : > ) usually with rewards and goodies. Also, I always am sure to not leave floating trees or ugly terrain scars if I can. I hate that.
To be honest, I wasn't exactly looking at this server imparticular. I was just looking for a server that I could play modded on, and I was referred to the server by voxnoot. So, here I am! I hope to see you guys soon.
Welcome to Stonebound; you're whitelisted and ready to join!
Thanks! I should be able to get this up and running soon.