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mc username: DragonSlayer0904
age:17 (18 in april)
Country: UKI have been playing minecraft since the beta at least I cant remember when I started exactly, and found that normal minecraft was boring when I found tekkit classic and have been a modded player ever since. although I have played modded for that long I have only ever played on public servers and almost all of them have the good items banned, I have also found that even on pvp servers most of the good items get banned for one reason or another. I have finnally come to the conclusion that I should try and get onto a whitelisted server so I can at the very least play with other people as single player is boring as hell, and so I can actually not play with dicks.
here's a iconic character from my favourite game
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Hey, added you to our whitelist!
Welcome to Stonebound and I hope you enjoy your time here -