Thank you for your interest in our server!
We've gone ahead and added you to the whitelist.
I hope you enjoy automating all the things on our server. 😉
Hello, and thank you for your interest in our server.
Unfortunately, we have decided to decline your application.
I hope that you understand, and I wish you the best of luck in finding a server that is suitable for you.
Hello, and thank you for your interest in our server.
Unfortunately, based on a closer look at your Minecraft player history, we don't feel you would be a good fit here.
I hope that you understand, and I wish you the best of luck in finding a server that is suitable for you.
Hello, and thank you for your interest in our server!
Unfortunately, your application is a bit shorter than we would like. If you could add on to it, we'd appreciate it.
Feel free to include more information about why you want to be a part of our community, or personal things like your favorite mods or building style.