Hey, thank you for your interest and sorry for the long wait!
I added you to the whitelist, welcome to Stonebound and have fun playing with your friend 😉
Normally we don't accept applications unless they are written by the person applying, but due to the nature of your relationship and a very well written application I'm gonna make an exception here.
You have both been whitelisted and may join whenever you like!
Hey, sorry for the wait! I just added you to our whitelist. Let me know if you have trouble connecting, but we are usually on the latest recommended version of any pack that we run on the server. Anyway welcome to Stonebound and have fun playing 😉
Heyo, you should have a good time here. We don't protect spawn for exactly that purpose allowing players to create shops and other cooperative builds. Added you to our whitelist, so welcome to Stonebound and I'll see you on the server soon 😉
Hey, thank you for your interest!
I added you to our whitelist, have fun on the server and welcome to Stonebound 😉
Streaming is of course allowed for everyone, so good luck with growing your stream here.
Heyo, thank you for your interest!
While I may be slow to reply to applications we have a great uptime and most server crashes are resolved automatically. So you don't have to worry about neglect here 😉
I added you to our whitelist, welcome to Stonebound.