Hey, probably the longest app we've had so far!
Getting the social thing going is hard, even for use there are periods where chat is just a box that's there. It really depends on the people that play.
I fix more than I play too, so I get where you are coming from. It's hard to stay interested in playing when there's always something else to do, I just accepted it and come back to the game every other month or so.
A survival hardcore pack like that sounds fun, we've been toying with the idea of starting an Invasion server for the same reasons. But the problem is getting everyone together and keep a server like that going, especially when it's supposed to get harder later on and not everyone is there from the start.
If you are interested in maybe organizing something like that or other events to bring everyone together hit me up. We've been looking for someone who has the time to invest time in something like that!
Otherwise I hope you have a good time here and if you don't I'd love to hear feedback from someone who ran servers themselves before. Whitelisted & welcome to Stonebound 😉