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We got two new packs for you this week! Arcane Engineering a questing pack on 1.18 and the latest All The Mods pack on 1.20, so there should be something to enjoy for everyone. You can learn more about the respective packs on their modpack page linked below.
We are also looking into some Fabric packs in the following weeks, but there is some mod porting to be done. If you are familiar with Fabric/Quilt and want to help out, let us know!

You can download both packs from any Curseforge compatible launcher

The servers will open Friday, September 22nd, around 4pm UTC (click here for your timezone)

Arcane Engineering
Server address:
Modpack page:

All the Mods 9
Server address:
Modpack page:

Hope you enjoy and I'll see you all in chat.

Posted by (335 Views)
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Lots of potions changes
Gear crafting recipes changed a little
Wooden chest loot majorly buffed

Patch Notes

Pack URL
Server IP:
Alt IP:

Posted by (232 Views)
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Theres quite a few changes to chest loot tables
Also some changes to early game research, mainly making pouches and upgrades for pouches significantly easier
Look I'm a professional, read the 3 page long update log

Pack URL
Server IP:
Alt IP:

Posted by (325 Views)
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It's been 5 long months since the last Scarlet's Pick so it's time for another weird one.

Vault Hunters 3 is on the menu today, a "Cooperative Streamer Community" focused modpack based around the idea of raiding instanced dungeons in ever more efficient manners in order to unlock mods to raid instanced dungeons in ever more efficient manners. A nice simple gameplay loop with the end goal of opening "The Final Vault" by collecting 25 artifacts.

A few simple things you'll want to know before diving in, it is a cooperative modpack, and there's two types of cooperation rewarded. Research Cooperation where you can share research progress, probably with a base mate; and Vault Cooperation, where you can team up with anyone in order to raid a vault together.

The wiki doesn't seem to state the actual benefits of doing this, but I'll tell you higher level vault crystals are a minor ballache to craft sometimes, and I believe there's an experience multiplier for vault levels.
Also like, friends? You're playing on a minecraft server together right?

The book will explain the fine details to you, along with offer some quests with basic rewards to speed up the starter journey. Those of you who have looked into this pack before might know originally you had to beat vanilla Minecraft first before starting Vaulting. This is no longer the case in the newer versions, and you should be able to get into your first vault around the time you find diamonds.
Older versions also featured "Total Wipeout", when one person died everyone died. This is no longer the case, instead your friends can pick up your dead body to recover your loot. Loot Loss is level 20+ for those worried.

You can download the pack from Curseforge compatible launchers, I use ATL and GD and I WILL remind you every time you bring up the topic of launchers.

The server will open Saturday, July 29th, at around 4 PM UTC

Pack URL
Server IP:
I'll assume the LA proxy will also work, despite not asking,

I also highly recommend you download Open Parties and Claims as the pack does not come with any claim system by default. Do note you can join fine without it, and you can even choose to use it via commands, or not at all. I tuned the default player config to be much closer to FTBChunks and therefore much more forgiving than UniverseIO. I also included a few basic commands at spawn and some weird quirks OPAC has.

Downloading the mod will show claimed chunks on the map, allow party location sharing, and simplify the process of claiming and managing claim settings in general.

Posted by (710 Views)
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As per discord suggestion from DedMaxim99 we have a new pack for you! This time it’s a skyblock-like pack on 1.19.2 called UniversIO. It has a cute little physics intro and a full questbook to guide you through the experience. Featuring mods such as Alchemistry, Chemlib and Squirt Gun, Project E and Project Expansion, Computer Craft, Botania, Pneumatic Craft and many more with a custom-made utility mod to help you through your divine task. Scarlet wanted me to share these two tips with you: "Dont die in the starting area" and "Ther eis /back".

You can download the pack from any CurseForge compatible launcher.

The server will open Friday, July 7th, around 6pm UTC (click here for your timezone)

Server Address:
Additionally if you are on the west coast of the US and have connection problems with the main one, there's also a new alternative address

Hope you enjoy and I'll see you all on the server.


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