Posted by (12546 Views)
17 Replies

Server is online!

We are pleased to announce the opening of our next server this friday! It will be our first 1.10.2 modded Minecraft pack made by a few of our staff members. It showcases some of the new mods 1.10.2 has to offer like Mekanism v9, Psi, and Chisels & Bits, while still giving you the option to fall back to some of your known favorites like EnderIO, Tinkers' Construct, Forestry, and Botania.
We also added a bunch of in-game books to guide you through the experience and familiarize yourself with the new mods on the block.

You can download the pack from the Curse Voice Launcher or Technic Launcher. On both you can find it by searching for "Principium".
For those that can't use or dislike either you can find MultiMC instance downloads here.

The server will open this Friday, August 5th, around 7pm UTC (click here for your timezone)

Server Address:

tl;dr the 1.10.2 pack is finally here and we are really excited about it!
As always, you can see the server map at and possibly pick a spot where you would want to live.
See you on the server this Friday!

Posted by (2902 Views)
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Donation Milestone

This month, for the first time, we have completely paid for the cost of the server off donations alone! We would like to thank everyone who has donated since the start of this month for contributing to this amazing milestone. Also a big thank you to everyone who has donated so far. We appreciate every donation we receive, and are happy that you all appreciate our hard work!

We are updating our donation benefits with an additional reward as well as a new requirement. As a reminder, you can view our current donation benefits here, and learn more about donating to the server here.

New donation perk requirement

While we appreciate all donations, we have had several users ask about our minimum amount. We've decided to require a minimum donation of $5 to be eligible for perks. You are still welcome to donate below $5, but there will be no perks available for users that do so. However, it is cumulative, so if you can only donate a dollar here and there, you can still get the donation perks once you donate $5 in total. This minimum requirement for perks is not retroactive, so if you donated below the threshold prior to this change, you do not lose your rewards.

New donation reward

We are introducing trophies as part of our donation perks, and with them are implementing a tiered system to reward users who have gone above and beyond with their donations. All rewards are cumulative, so you do not need to donate the amounts listed below all at once if you prefer to donate a little here and there. This perk is retroactive, and users eligible for trophies should have already received theirs. If you'd like to know how much more you need to donate to reach a certain perk, you can contact any staff member to assist you.

Each trophy will showcase the month and year that you hit the tier amount. Trophies are viewable on a user's profile on the website. You may also showcase your trophy on other websites, so long as you link back to Stonebound.

Bronze Trophy

Bronze Trophy

For members that have donated at least $20 in total.

Silver Trophy

Silver Trophy

For members that have donated at least $60 in total. Users that reach this tier have single-handedly paid for a month of server costs.

Gold Trophy

Gold Trophy

For members that have donated at least $180 in total. Users that reach this tier have single-handedly paid for three months of server costs.

As a reminder, Stonebound is owned and funded by Parzival, and run by volunteer staff members. We will never require donations to continue running the server. However, we greatly appreciate any and all donations we receive, and thank you for showing your support for what we do.

Posted by (3135 Views)
0 Replies

Well I planned on posting about this with the server launch and then forgot about it. We are changing how we deal with user created dimensions.

For those that are new to the community, the old system allowed unlimited dimensions for everyone.
The problem with that were loads of dead Dimensions that people didn't clean up when not used anymore. To avoid this problem, you can now only create one dimension at a time. If you want to make another one, you have to contact staff with your old dimension number and ask them to delete it; or if you want to keep it, give a reasonable explanation as to why you need two dimensions.
To make your first dimension, everyone gets one Owner Dimlet when they have 30 minutes of playtime on the server. I have applied that to everyone already playing retroactively.

Note: for maximum compatibility set B:ownerDimletsNeeded=true in crackpackfolder\config\rftools\main.cfg


Q: Are any kind of dimensions allowed e.g. draconium blocks?
A: Yes and no, nothing is banned but they are forced void only so if you want draconium you have to go with draconium spheres.

Posted by (6986 Views)
9 Replies

Server is online!

We are pleased to announce the opening of our next server this friday! It will be the new official MindCrack modded Minecraft pack from the FTB Team, designed to encourage exploration and automation while enjoying some of the best mods that Minecraft has to offer! Featuring mods like Galacticraft and the new Mekanism v9.

You can download the pack from the FTB Launcher or with the Curse Voice Launcher.
The server will open this Friday, July 1st, around 7pm UTC (click here for your timezone)

Server Address:

For the people waiting for a 1.9.x pack, unfortunately there still aren't any packs worth running. However, some of our staff members have started working on their own pack, and at this point are pretty much only waiting for Mekanism. You can see the progress on our Github.

As always, you can see the server map at and possibly pick a spot where you would want to live.

If you have any questions feel free to ask 😉
See you on the server Friday!

Posted by (10152 Views)
10 Replies

Server is now online!

We are pleased to announce the winner of the next server voting. InfiTech 2 won with 66% of all votes. Thank you everyone for voting.
InfiTech 2 is one of the oldest, still frequently updated 1.7.10 packs, it is mainly focused around Gregtech and Thaumcraft, with a vast number of tweaks and adjustments to recipes to alleviate exploits and create a truly balanced "GregTech" experience.
You can download the pack from the FTB Launcher with the private pack code 17infitech or in the Curse Voice Launcher by searching for InfiTech 2.

The server will open this Friday, May 13th, around 7pm UTC (click here for your timezone)

Server Address:

While waiting, you can see the server map at and possibly pick a spot where you would want to live.
See you on the server Friday!


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