Posted by (285 Views)
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We are happy to announce the launch of our next server. Kreation is our own pack, made to highlight and test the mod Create, which is made by none other than our staff member simibubi and his team.
It's the perfect pack to get accustomed to 1.14. The mod list will be kept short and updated over time to fill niches you'd expect in a well rounded pack.
Right now the only major content adding mods besides Create are Rats, Druidcraft, and Botania. Tetra has also been added for upgradable tools. The pack runs with only 1.5gb of memory; however, 3gb is recommended.

You can download the pack from the Twitch Launcher. Just search for Kreation.

The server is already open and just waiting for you to come join us!

Server Address:

We look forward to seeing you on the server! For pack feedback, please use Discord or the forums; if you have general feedback about Create, you can also check out the Create Discord server.

Posted by (306 Views)
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It's been long overdue, and sadly 1.14/15 still isn't at a point where we hoped it would be, so we are launching another 1.12.2 pack. With this we are happy to announce the launch of our next Server MC.Eternal. A massive pack with content for pretty much every player type. You can learn more about the pack on its CurseForge Page.

You can download the pack from the Twitch Launcher. Just search for MC.Eternal.

The server will open Sunday, March 1st, 4pm UTC (click here for your timezone)

Server Address:

As always, you can see the server map at and possibly pick a spot where you would want to live.
We look forward to seeing you on the server!

Posted by (702 Views)
1 Replies

Just a minor update, a few mods updated here and there, but this was long overdue. Enjoy and let us know if anything isn't working.

1.2.26 -
1.2.25 -

Posted by (676 Views)
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We are happy to announce the launch of our next Server FTB Academy. It's a simple pack to help new players to learn more about modding. This however doesn't mean it won't be enjoyable for veterans too, and to keep you busy we planned a little contest.
The rules are simple, build an interactive Halloween themed ""ride"", doesn't matter if it's a rollercoaster, maze or haunted house, just build something fun and interactive. Entries are open until November 3rd, after that we will have a staff vote and the winner will receive a $25 gift card*. You can enter on Google Forms.

You can download the pack from the Twitch Launcher. Just search for FTB Academy.

The server will open Friday, October 18th, around 5pm UTC (click here for your timezone)

Server Address:

As always, you can see the server map at and possibly pick a spot where you would want to live.
We look forward to seeing you on the server!

* may not always be possible to buy all gift cards internationally, Steam or Amazon should be okay. If you enter as a team only the person listed on the entry form will receive one, please communicate with each other how to share it if applicable.


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