Posted by (2408 Views)
2 Replies

By popular demand, we have launched a Discord server. It connects to server chat, offers a help channel, and has voice channels for users that prefer Discord over Teamspeak. We will continue to utilize Slack as our primary chat, this is just an alternative we have made available for our community. To join the Discord, click here.

For assistance, users will only need to post in one of our chat locations. We will check the Forums, Slack, and Discord regularly.

Posted by (2396 Views)
2 Replies

Hey everyone,

a few of the staff members got bored waiting for FTB Beyond, so we opened a small throwback server, running the legendary 1.4.7 pack FTB Ultimate! Play with old favorites like RedPower, EE3, GregTech and just enjoy a more basic experience. The server is already open for everyone.
Only thing we disabled is the Mystcraft Book Binder, but the map is huge so go crazy.

Server Address: ult.stonebound.net

Hope to see some of you on the server soon!

Posted by (1930 Views)
1 Replies

We would like to thank everyone that participated in our shop building contest, which came to a close earlier today. After careful consideration, we would like to announce our finalists!

Spunmunkey and Rhea

Forumkid22 and Misshaptat


Congratulations to these entries for making it to the final three! You will all receive your choice of either a Wing Of The Bat, or an Unbreakable Builders Wand. PM myself or another staff member for you prize.

Now the winner will be chosen by popular vote. You can take a quick look at any of the builds by clicking on the contestants names. We encourage you to visit the shops in person before you vote. Voting will close January 29th, 12:00 PM UTC.

Posted by (2536 Views)
2 Replies

Greetings, everyone!

With our recent opening of SkyFactory 3, we want to get a shop economy going so you can amass a vast treasure of grass seeds, or whatever turns you on. So, what could be a better way to get the ball rolling than a contest to see who can build the most amazing shop at spawn?

Your shop should be max. 21x21 blocks and around the paths at spawn. It will be judged on two main criteria points: ingenuity and looks. Three finalists will be chosen by the staff team, and out of these three the winner will be chosen by popular vote using a poll on our forums.

All finalists will receive Wings Of The Bat from Actually Additions or an Unbreakable Builder's Wand (their choice), additionally, the winner will receive a Dragon Heart.
You may enter as a team. All members of the team will receive prizes.

Contest ends Januray 25th, 2017 12pm UTC (Click here for your timezone).

Posted by (5863 Views)
9 Replies

We wish everyone a happy new year and hope you all had some relaxing holidays! It has been rather quiet lately on here and I'm sorry for that.

The good news is, we have a few new servers lined up! A SkyFactory 3 will be opened January 6th, 7pm UTC January 13th, 7pm UTC. (click here for your timezone)
Server Address: sf3.stonebound.net

After that, hopefully in the next 1-2 months FTB Beyond is scheduled to be released. Beyond is supposed to be the new Infinity Evolved for 1.10, including an expert mode!
Having said that, I also plan on taking Infinity Lite offline sometime later today, since the server has been dead for a few weeks now. A map download can be found here. Direwolf20 and Infinity Expert will stay online.


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