Posted by (785 Views)
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Time to move on to Minecraft 1.18, with the successor to the previously eternal All The Mods server (thank you Scarlet!), All The Mods 7, the latest iteration of the series.
As always there's a little bit of everything and you can expect constant mod additions as modders move to the newest major version of the game.

You can download the pack from any CurseForge(-compatible) Launcher.

The server will open tomorrow Friday, March 4th, around 5pm UTC (click here for your timezone)

Server Address:
Alternative US west coast address

Sadly no map render is available currently, I just didn't have enough time to port the mod to 1.18 yet.
I hope you enjoy the pack and I look forward to seeing you on the server!

Posted by (307 Views)
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Please don't ear blast people with touhou music using CC's new audio functionality.

Or do, sounds funny.

Human Readable Changlogs available here

Detailed Changelog available here

Posted by (351 Views)
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Hey, hope you had a great start to the new year! Guess everyone is kinda getting used to me being slow updating things, I'm really sorry. If anyone is interested in joining the staff team and helping out please reach out 🙂

Anyway both FTB packs updated to their latest versions, you can find the changelogs on the FTB website, enjoy!

Posted by (275 Views)
0 Replies

100% quest completion now available according to changelog

Human Readable Changlogs available here

Detailed Changelog available here

Don't you want to play the best sandbox?

Posted by (1617 Views)
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It is finally time for a fresh server, just in time for the holiday season. FTB's latest modpack Ultimate: Anniversary Edition the newest iteration of the beloved classic, trying to recreate the experience once again on 1.16 before it is time to move on to 1.18. There's a little bit for everyone - tech, magic and exploration with not too many changes to the individual mods. Modlist on Modpack Index

You can download the pack from the FTB App or any other launcher that supports their platform like MultiMC.

The server will open this Friday, December 3rd, around 5pm UTC (click here for your timezone)

Server Address:
Additionally if you are on the west coast of the US and have connection problems with the main one, there's also a new alternative address

As always, you can see the server map at and to pick a nice spot to live. Do note this pack does not have homes!
The Stonebound team wishes you happy holidays, hope that you enjoy the pack and we look forward to seeing you on the server!


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