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Despite a modpack drought, we are releasing a new server for all of you to enjoy. The modpack is called ATM9 - To the Sky, designed for Minecraft version 1.20.1. Currently, it’s a skyblock port of the regular ATM9, but in the coming weeks, there will be several changes to streamline the experience. Additionally, some mods that aren’t part of the orginal experience were added, including Xycraft, Oreberries, and Forcecraft.

You can download the pack from any CurseForge compatible launcher

The server will open Friday, June 7th, around 4pm UTC (click here for your timezone)

Server Address: atm9tts.stonebound.net
Additionally if you are on the west coast of the US and have connection problems with the main one, there's also a new alternative address atm9tts.la.stonebound.net

Hope you enjoy and I'll see you all on the server.

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Still looking into what new packs to launch, in the meantime updated FTB Skies, changelogs linked below.

1.8.0 - https://feed-the-beast.com/modpacks/117/changelog/11911
1.8.1 - https://feed-the-beast.com/modpacks/117/changelog/11927

Posted by (240 Views)
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Notable change for progression: Chemical washer now requires enigmatic circuits instead of ultimate
Full changelog: https://feed-the-beast.com/modpacks/117/changelog/11786


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