Posted by (760 Views)
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Hello everyone,

it has been really quiet around here, as some of you may already know, I did get / am in the process of getting married and having my wedding with @Graphika, as such I had very little time in the past couple months. Now with that mostly out of the way I'll get back into going in the monthly grind of releasing new servers!

To start us off the newly released FTB modpack, OceanBlock you can read the announcement from FTB on their site.
As the current servers are basically completely dead, I'll be launching this server to the public immediately.

Server Address:

You can download the pack from the new Feed The Beast launcher or MultiMC.

I hope you all had a great summer and I look forward to seeing you on the server!

Posted by (260 Views)
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Not to be confused with the Minecraft version.

All the claims and quest progress are gone, blame latty

All the Changelogs are available here

There might be more quests now? Quite a few mods were added, and some progression was reworked supposedly.

All All All All


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